Thursday 13 September 2012


                                                                    “ You don’t take a photograph, you make it. "


So i have a question to all the blackberry fans out there. I am going to be purchasing a new blackberry in a few days time but i am very worried and hesitant to do so and am hoping someone can give me some info that can put my mind to rest. i am very hesitant to purchase a blackberry because it seems that all i ever see on the forums is people who are unhappy with their phone or bricked blackberry! this or nuked blackberry! that. i want a phone that i can feel secure in, that is going to just work, that i wont have to baby and it seems with everything i see here the general consensus here is anything but that. Are blackberrys really that delicate? am i really going to have to go through 5 phones before i find one that isn't going to break down on me if i so much as press a button the wrong way? is this the kind of phone were you are always going to have to think "if i put it to sleep is it going to wake up the next day? am i going to have a phone?". seems like RIM just doesn't make em like they used to. any helpful info would be great and if a thread like this has been made before then i apologize but i couldn't find one.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Father :)

When i was born,
You were there to catch me when i fall, whenever and wherever.
When i said my first words,
You were there for me,
to teach me the whole dictionary if need be.
When i took my first steps,
You were there to encourage me on.
When i had my first day at school,
you were there to give me advice and help me with my homework.
I still havent finished school,
or walked down the aisle, or had my first child.
But i know you will be there for me through all these times and more, the good and bad.
So i just wrote this to say 'I LOVE YOU DAD!!!'

Pakistani Culture.

People thinks
war is a Competition
Weapons, People,
Forces or Nation,
But its a Battle of
between Our Mothers
Thier Mothers.
The Question is,
Whose SON will come
back with
Flag in his Hands
and whose SON come
back with
FLAG Cover his Body.
I was told at my Birth that
I dont Belong to my Parents..
My Destiny, My Dreams
Belong Only

Perfect smile :)

When we were kids, the work we did wasn't about acting. It was about pleasing people and making kids smile.